Nouveau-Brunswick: Équipe mobile d’intervention en situation de crise en santé mentale (1-866-771-7760), ligne d’écoute CHIMO (1-800-667-5005)
Nouvelle-Écosse : Équipe mobile d’intervention en situation de crise en santé mentale (1-888-429-8167)
l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard : Ligne d’écoute « The Island helpline » (1-800-218-2885)
Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador : Service en santé mentale en situation de crise (709-737-4668/1-888-737-4668)
New-Brunswick: Mobile crisis intervention team for metal health issues (1-866-771-7760), Helpline CHIMO (1-800-667-5005)
Nova-Scotia : Mobile crisis intervention team for metal health issues (1-888-429-8167)
Prince-Edouard-Island : Listening phone line « The Island helpline » (1-800-218-2885)
Newfoundland & Labrador : Mental health crisis services (709-737-4668/1-888-737-4668)
To contact Dominique, please write her an email using the email address or you can call her at 506.858.4406.
18 and over
Have you been experiencing pain on most days of the month for at least six months? If you are at least 18 years of age and your pain is not directly caused by the terminal stage of a medical condition (e.g., stage IV of cancer), you may be eligible to participate in a 6-week study conducted at the Université de Moncton.
Writing can be helpful for people who are going through difficult times. A recent online study suggests that writing focusing on self-compassion can have positive effects on pain and well-being. Self-compassion involves treating ourselves the same way we would treat others and it seems to relate to better pain management.
This study aims to explore the impact of self-compassion writing and meditation on psychological and physical health using a self-compassion psychoeducational website. No travelling or appointments with a clinician are necessary. The study will help researchers to find ways to better treat chronic pain. It is not necessary to have specific writing skills to participate in the program.
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