Managing life changes

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We all experience changes in our lives (leaving home to study or work, separation, change or loss of job, loss of a loved one, moving, retirement, etc.). These changes can be difficult to deal with. The Telepsychotherapy Unit of the Université de Moncton invites you to participate in a study involving a program, Moving Forward. This is an online program that has been developed to help people manage a change in their lives by showing compassion for themselves.
The Moving Forward program is: :

  • free of charge
  • require no appointment or travel
  • short duration: 6 weeks

What does the study involve?

This is a 6-week study including a 3-month follow-up. It is comprised of:

  • Information on using writing to facilitate adjustment to change and self-compassion
  • 6 writing sessions of about 45 minutes to facilitate adaptation to change through self-compassion
  • Additional resources on reconstructing life goals
  • Weekly emails offering instruction and support
  • Online questionnaires to be completed before and after the Moving Forward program, as well as weekly, to help us assess its impact
No special writing skills are required to participate in the study. It is also offered in French and English. The Moving forward program was developed from interventions that use writing to help people cope and feel better.

Who is the study suitable for?

  • Adults 18 years of age and older
  • Who reside in New Brunswick
  • Who are going through a difficult life change or transition
  • Who are interested in learning new skills to better cope with change
  • Who have mild to moderate symptoms of depression
  • Who are willing to devote about 45 minutes per week to the study and to share some personal information.

Unfortunately, we cannot include in this study individuals who do not reside in New Brunswick or who do not have access to the Internet or who are in crisis or experiencing suicidal thoughts. If you need immediate help, please contact your family doctor by using the CHIMO crisis line (1-800-667-5005) or call 9-1-1. You can also visit your nearest emergency room, or you can follow the emergency instructions provided by your doctor, mental health professional or care team.
In addition, we cannot accept requests from anyone who is currently receiving therapy or who have started medication for anxiety or depression in the last month or if there has been a change in dosage in the past month.

Who is conducting the study?

Tijay Talbot, a 4th year undergraduate psychology student at the Université de Moncton (506-858-4000, ext. 4406; e-mail, under the supervision of professor and psychologist France Talbot (tel. 506-858-4000, ext. 4200; e-mail: If you wish to participate and would like more information, please consult the following website: You may also communicate with us at all times.

The application process involves:

  1. Read the description of the study and click on Sign up to open a secure account. An email address is required at this step as well as your first and last name (or initial of your name).
  2. For "Study Name", click on the small arrows and click on "Application Form – Moving Forward".
  3. Read the consent form
  4. Click on "I accept to participate" and then on "Create my new account”
  5. Complete brief online questionnaires before starting the program, which takes about 5 minutes. These questionnaires include general questions (e.g., age, province of residence), questions about your mood, and life changes. This will help us determine if the program offered is appropriate for you.
  6. We will contact you via email to let you know if the program is likely to be helpful and if so, when you can start the program.

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